Global Support Foundation

Grassroot Entrepreneurship


Global Support Foundation’s Partnership between key stakeholders like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), World Bank, World Health Organisation, African Union (AU) and other NGOs based in the ‘Europe’ and ‘Africa’ have become a key part of international development processes. Whilst the aforementioned stakeholders are drawn to the concept of partnership as an expression of solidarity that goes beyond financial aid.

The benefits of partnerships go beyond timebound and discrete interventions such as the classic development project. It is the complex combination of the organisational nature of partnership with its intrinsically relational dimension that lies at the heart of the advantages of partnerships between this groups.

However, it is imperative to explain our partnership and potential partnership with various organisations listed above and further give a few lines of explication of how it ought to affect our beneficiaries positively. On the other hand, how it can be implemented in practice, in order to bridge the gap between Global Support Foundation, other stake holders and our beneficiaries.

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

Global Support Foundation as an NGO that focuses on creating awareness among youths "for" the benefits of co-operative. We’re eligible to partner with the Central Bank Of Nigerian (CBN) and other Participating Financial Institutions (PFI), under the CBN Micro, Small and Medium Development Fund (MSMDF) Chapter Two (2) sub 2.2 of the Guidelines.

NGO-MFIs/Financial Cooperatives with proven track record of performance shall be eligible to a limit of 50% of their capital as indicated in their latest audited accounts and financial statements, and we at Global Support Foundation have proven over the years to be a leading organisation with a track record of empowering, already established businesses and start-ups, Unemployed Youths, Both Male and Female, People with Disabilities and Retirees.

It is worthy of mention that, as Grassroot Entrepreneurship supporters it’s imperative that the afore-mentioned categories of people in the society be given urgent attention for assistance through co-partnership with relevant authorities and organisations...

like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Participating Financial Institutions (PFI’s), World Bank (WB), World Health Organisation (WHO) African Union (AU) (NGO’s) etc.

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World Bank

The World Bank defines NGOs as "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services or undertake community development". (world bank, doc. ISO 13: march 95).

Since the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000 has solidified an historic global partnership to focus on reaching seven specific targets to reduce poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. The eight goal, develop a Global Partnership for Development by 2015, the world Bank has identified the means to achieve this. It is on this note, that Global Support Foundation is inspired to partner with World Bank in the near future. .

Today the World Bank consults and collaborates with thousands of members of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) throughout the world, such as community-based organizations, NGOs, social movements, labour unions, faith-based groups, and foundations. It is on this note, that our organisations is not left behind this trend to help mankind.

United Nations (UN)

Article 71 says that the Economic and Social Council “may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence.” NGOs contribute to the work of the U.N.

The basis for the consultative relationship between the U.N. and NGOs is the original Charter of the United Nations. Article 71 says that the Economic and Social Council “may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence.” NGOs contribute to the work of the U.N. by providing technical analysis and expertise, and their relationship with offices and agencies of the U.N. system differs depending on their goals.

It is on that premise, that Global Support Foundation can collaborate or partner with the United Nations to provide basic social services or undertake community development and also discharges it corporate social responsibility.

African Union (AU)

In other to get a clear understanding of this partnership, we will take you through “The Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU Act)”, This act recognises in article 4(c) as one of its principles: 'participation of the people in the activities of the Union'. This principle could be implemented through, among others, the involvement of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the activities of the AU.

This act submits that NGOs will play a meaningful role in ensuring the promotion and protection of human rights by the AU and its institutions. The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is an economic programme of the AU. The NEPAD document outlines among other things the promotion and protection of human rights as a necessary precondition for the success of NEPAD. Therefore, a lot of NGO input is needed for the effective implementation of NEPAD's human rights objective as well.

Therefore, lifting the unemployed youths, people with disabilities, retirees which also part of fundamental human rights remains a major concern of Global Support Foundation. And on this note partnering with the African Union because inevitable either now or in the near future.