Global Support Foundation

Grassroot Entrepreneurship

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We train and provide skills and practical experiences necessary to enable youths obtain a foundation qualification in co-operative business, thereby enhancing prospects for gainful self-employment/progression...

Agricultural Production

Most of our youths today are averse to entering the agricultural production sector for various reasons; lack of land; lack of capital; lack of skills; lack of encouragement; looking down generally on peasant farmers;

Industrial and Processing Production

There are various industrial businesses which the youths, both male and female, can go into. These include furniture; carpets; exotic mats; hand bags; shoes; clothes; bed sheets; leather sub-sectors, etc.


Youths can be organised into co-operatives to effectively go into improved mining of these products. Expensive tools which cannot be acquired by an individual miner can more easily be acquired by a co-operative group.

Professional Services

We bring together young graduates of various professions, such as engineers, architects, technologists, medical doctors, pharmacists, etc., to form co-operatives so that they can be empowered.

Other Career Opportunities

There are unlimited opportunities for the youths to create gainful employment for themselves and thus relieve governments of the burden of finding jobs for the teeming population.